Friday, April 23, 2010

Mexico reading :)

51. Surrender, Amanda Quick
50. Dangerous, Amanda Quick
49. Wait 'til Midnight, Amanda Quick

I would have read more on our vacay had it not been raining, but through airports, traveling, lounge reading and our one nice day, I managed to get through three in about 6 days (I brought 7 books lol)

Anyway I'm obviously still in my AQ phase ... I love her books, and I'm about to check out one of hers that I've, for some reason unknown, never read before ... I'm excited. Also, she just released a new one (The Burning Lamp) as part of her Arcane Society series. I'm going to go buy it today, hopefully :D

Anyway these three are an odd mix — they are varied on the spectrem of my love for her. Dangerous is my favorite of her books. Like favorite. I mean, Mischief and Mistress come in as close (tied) seconds ... but i L.O.V.E. love love love Dangerous. Wait 'til Midnight is one of those, unless i'm completely obsessed, that I skip over when I'm reading AQ ... I like it, a lot, I really like the hero in it ... but it just is lacking a bit ... like I've probably said before any AQ book is still worlds better than some of the stuff out there, but if we're comparing them. Surrender is my least favorite AQ book. Which is saying something because she obviously has lots of books. The hero is a fortune hunter (that's a struggle in and of itself, getting us to like a character -- a male character -- who is only after our heroine's money. We're trained in historical novel reading to hate fortune hunters and then boom, our hero turns out to be one.) Once we get over that hurdle, which I'm not sure I ever do, you have him acting like ... well like they would have actually acted back then ... which, some would argue is good, but we don't want to read that! He limits what she can do with her money, he's not guilty about deceiving her, he's extremely dictatorial ... etc. etc. And she still gives in anyway ... maybe it's because i'm a (notorious) grudge holder, I wanted her to resist him a little more stongly. Still I liked her for the most part ... I don't read this one much (maybe two other times, tops) and I can see why. Still I read the whole thing, and it captured my attention through out.

I'm one book away from my second goal of 52 books between June 1, 2009 - June 1, 2010. I think i'll beat it, but i'm not going to set a new goal. We'll see how many I read in May ... it maybe two it may be 10 ... I'm not going to force it :D

til next time, happy readings :D

Friday, April 2, 2010

One of my favorites

48. Affair, Amanda Quick

For some reason I just love this book, this story, these characters. There are some lines that are corny as Iowa, but if you get past those you just fall in love with it. I don't know what i'm reading next ... I'm still in the mood for more quick but i've kind of exhausted my options. Maybe some Suz (i just went to see her play in NYC ... it was good, but not fantastic) Anyway we'll see :D

happy readings :)